The first Webb City Fire volunteer fire department was established in 1889 under the leadership of Fire Chief Henry Wonner. Webb City Fire Department became an all-paid department in 1899. This was also the first year the department received their first hose wagon and horses. In 1910 the citizens of Webb City voted on a bond issue to purchase the first auto fire apparatus and a ladder truck for $10,000.00 Both the auto and the ladder truck were on display at the International Association of Fire Chiefs Convention in Syracuse, New York prior to their delivery in the late summer and early fall of 1910. It was state of the art for it’s time with warning bells, headlights, hose reel and fire-fighting equipment. It came in vermillion red with gold leaf lettering. The Fire Department was housed in various locations until 1975. In 1975 the city purchased land behind the City Hall and built a new Fire Station. The department remained there until 2004 when the old station was replaced by new one at 506 S. Ellis Street. The new station has six drive thru bays and eight individual bedrooms. The station houses the newest Engine a Ferrara Pumper, two Freightliner Engines, one E One ladder Truck, F-350 Brush Truck, Ford F-150 Battalion Chiefs Truck, and the Chief’s vehicle. The department has a staff of 19 full-time personnel. The department is led by Fire Chief Andrew Roughton and Battalion Chief’s Jackie Clark, Jeremy Denton, and Scott Pink
Fire Department
506 S. Ellis
Webb City, Mo 64870
(417) 673-2254
Mission Statement
It is the Webb City Fire Department’s mission to educate and protect its citizens from the loss of life and property. We are dedicated to the public by constant training and preparation to meet the needs of the citizens of this great City.
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Fire History
Insurance Services Organization Rating
The ISO rating is the measuring tool used by Insurance Companies to set rates for Homeowner’s and Businesses based on our fire protection resources. The lower the rating the better the rates. After years of continued support from our City Council, City Management, Water Department, and Citizens the hard work of our fire department paid off with a notice from ISO that Webb City would have a Fire rating of Three (3) beginning June 1 2008.
Contact Info
Andy Roughton
Fire Chief
506 S. Ellis

City Hall Fire Dept. 1910