Stormwater Department
Water is our most precious resource. Life in the Ozarks is defined by an abundance of clear flowing springs, streams and rivers. You could say that water is an asset to be prized.
How Stormwater Impacts Water Quality
When rain falls on land and impervious areas, such as construction sites, paved streets, parking lots and rooftops, it transports sediments, oil, grease, chemicals, litter and other pollutants into our streams. Left unmanaged, most pollutants are washed into the storm sewer system and into public waterways during small and frequent rain events.
What might surprise you is knowing that not one drop of rain or snowmelt makes it to our waste water treatment plant. Unlike the water you use in your home which is treated and then safely released back into Center Creek, when Stormwater runs into the drains and inlets in town, it travels to Center Creek as is, taking whatever it runs into with it on its journey.
The only way to lessen this pollution is to reduce the amount of pollutants washed away by stormwater.
The City of Webb City is required to have and comply with a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for its stormwater drainage system, known as a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). This permit requires the City to administer a stormwater management program to address the potential for discharges to negatively impact area waterways.
There are 6 primary areas that Webb City is required to pay particular attention. They are…
1. Public Education: (Let’s tell our citizens of our water quality challenges.)
2. Public Participation and Involvement: (Let’s get our citizens involved in helping us solve the problem.)
3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination: (Let’s find the source of any problems and eliminate those problems.)
4. Construction Site Runoff Controls: (Let’s make sure that as Webb City grows that we are protecting the area with safe, environmentally friendly building practices.)
5. Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls: (Let’s make sure that after the construction is complete that items implemented to protect the environment are still working.)
6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping: (Let’s make sure that all activities performed by our City crews are being done in a safe manner that protects the environment.)
So take a look around…
Please click on the links you see on this page to see how you can be a part of the solution to the problem of water pollution. We think you’ll find a lot of great information for you and your family about how Webb City plans to keep our area pollution free. We really mean it when we say, “We Love It Here!”
If you see illegal dumping, illicit discharges or other pollutants threatening our water quality, report it! Call 417-673-6297. Nights and weekends: Call the Police Department at 417-673-1911. Or email:
Contact Info
Russell Ball
Stormwater Manager
1060 N. Madison, Webb City Mo. 64870

Keep Stormwater Clean