Water Service, Rates & Policies
Water Service Policy
Your water bill is sent out on the last day of the month. Payments are due by the 15th of each month.
You may pay your bill in the following matter:
Bank Draft
Automated phone system
Drive Thru Window
Night Drop Box
Online website (webbcitymo.org)
Promise to Pay-MUST be signed in person and completed BEFORE the 23rd-Promise to Pay are not accepted on the 23rd (shut-off day). Promise to Pay are honored as long as you keep your promise to pay.
Failure to Receive your bill does not affect
The Date payment is due
The possibility of late fees
Shut off for non-payment
Or us receiving late mail due to Postal Service
If you do not receive your monthly bill by the 5th of the month, please call the Water Dept. at 417-673-5077 and someone will assist you.
Late Fees
If you have not paid the account in full by the 15th of the month you will automatically be assessed a 5% late fee.
Disruption in Service
If payment in full is not recieved on account or not in night drop box BEFORE opening on the 23rd, then the account is processed for "shut off". Once the account is processed for "shut off", there will be a thirty five dollar ($35.00) Administration fee applied to your bill to re-open the account regardless if your water has not been physically turned off. If you make an on-line payment ON shut-off day, please call the office at 417-673-5077 to verify that payment has been received and that your service will not be interrupted.
A $50.00 after hour re-connection fee will be charged if requesting a re-connect after 5:00 p.m.. This fee will be in addition to the $35.00 to re-open the account. Please call the Webb City Police Department at 417-673-1911 to restore service, after hours.
Inside City Limits
First 20,000 gallons $0.00594 per gallon/set
Each gallon there after $0.00532 per gallon/set
Outside City Limits
First 20,000 gallons $0.00891 per gallon/1.5% of inside
Each gallon there after $0.00797 per gallon/1.5% of inside
Contact Info
Tracy Krummel
Water Clerk
200 S. Main Street, Webb City, Mo 64870
Yaqueline Ochoa
Water Clerk
200 S. Main Street, Webb City, Mo 64870
Theda Satterfield
Meter Reader
200 S. Main Street, Webb City, Mo 64870
Jane Davis
Meter Reader
200 S. Main Street, Webb City, Mo 64870

Our Meters